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S.N �c�́E��Ж� �Z�� ��\�� POST TEL FAX
1 K Line (Singapore) Pte Ltd 52/54/56 Peck Seah Street Heritage Court M.D J shiga 079319 2218977 3232216
2 K Line Air Service (S) Pte Ltd 9 Airline Rd #05-11/12 Cargo Agents Building D M.D T Akaoka 819827 5426511 5426551
3 K & FS Pte Ltd 45 Senoko Road M.D T Ogawa 758114 7529786 7522014
4 K&L Advertising Asia Pte Ltd 11 Stamford Rd #03-09 Capitol Building M.D S Okazaki 178884 8830550 8830220
5 K.D. Electronics (S) Pte Ltd 913 Bukit Timah Rd 3rd Flr. Tan Chong Motor Centre M.D K Fujise 589623 4694339 4698903
6 K.S. Singapore Pte Ltd 360 Orchard Road #07-02 International Building - Koji Okabe 238869 - -
7 K.U.T Seiko Pte Ltd 3014A Ubi Road 1 #01-10 - I Tomoko 408703 - -
8 Ka Shin Technologies (S) Pte Ltd 13 Lorong 8 Toa Payoh #02-11/12 Bradell Tech M.D C L Lee 319261 2516377 2564300
9 Kaga (Singapore) Electronics Pte Ltd 77 Robinson Road #10-01 SIA Building M.D T Nagamine 068896 5331201 5331220
10 Kaiho Japanese Restaurant Blk 24 Outram Park #02-327 Director M Kondo 163024 2202262 2271726
11 Kaiji (Singapore) Pte Ltd 15-D Pandan Rd, 3rd Floor President Marine Shipyard Chairman Ang Kian Kok 609266 2683088 2661472
12 kaiSei Management Pte Ltd 20A Jalan Leban M.D Kenji Komatsu 577556 5531422 5531428
13 Kajima Design Asia Pte Ltd 1 Temasek Ave #34-04 Millenium Tower M.D S Yamada 039192 3341383 3341318
14 Kajima Overseas Asia Pte Ltd 80 Marine Parade Rd #14-01/03 Parkway Parade Vice M.D H Shimoyama 449269 3440066 3443777
15 Kamaya Electric (S) Pte Ltd 39B Jalan Pemimpin #07-00 Printset Building M.D K Nikawa 577184 2582214 2586536
16 Kamigumi Singapore Pte Ltd 10 Anson Rd #19-03/03A International Plaza - Michio Tanaka 079903 2219322 2242741
17 Kamogawa International Hotels & Restaurants Mng Pte Ltd Orchard Parade Hotel 1st Floor. #01-13 No. 1 Tanglin Roa M.D M Goto 247905 7349161 7348771
18 Kan Tai Hei (s) Pte Ltd 35 Tannery Lane #07-10B Ruby Industrial Complex Tannery Block - Yosuke Fujioka 347740 - -
19 Kana Technical Centre (S) Pte Ltd 1 Tuas Drive 2 M.D Oh Ah Lay 638636 8618610 8618617
20 Kanaden Corporation Singapore Pte Ltd 11 Collyer Quay #14-09 The Arcade M.D H Ohkohchi 049317 3231328 3231012
21 Kanamori Industries (Singapore) Pte Ltd 194 Pandan Loop #05-13 Pantech Industrial Cmplx - Yoneo Kanamori 128383 8726798 8736801
22 Kanden Engineering (Singapore) Pte Ltd 3031A Ubi Road 3 #01-116 M.D Hamataro Karamatsu 408659 747-9196 746-6800
23 Kandenko Co Ltd 510 Thomson Rd #16-02 SLF Building G.M S Iyogi 298135 2597700 2599911
24 Kanefusa Corporation 81 Anson Road #08-29 M /Representative T Yamauchi 079908 4216829 4216929
25 Kaneka Singapore Co Pte Ltd 29 Gul Crescent Jurong Industrial Estate M.D H Fukumitsu 629534 8613711 8621858
26 Kaneko (Asia) Pte Ltd 10 Anson Rd #24-04 International Plaza Chairman S Kaneko 079903 3233169 3233170
27 Kanematsu Corporation 30 Cecil Street #23-05/08 Prudential Tower G.M K Takai 049712 2316016 2316075
28 Kanematsu Oil Singapore Pte Ltd 16 Raffles Quay #19-01 Hong Leong Building President Yasuo Mekata 48581 3296061 3296100
29 Kanematsu Semiconductor Singapore Pte Ltd 30 Cecil Street #23-05/08 Prudential Tower M.D Y Okazawa 609919 6652202 6652252
30 Kanetec (Singapore) Pte Ltd 327-329 Jalan Besar - Takato Nakajima 208981 - -
31 Kanetsu Singapore Pte Ltd 11 Collyer Quay #14-07 The Arcade M.D S Mizuno 049317 2200268 2240214
32 Kangawa (S) Trading Pte Ltd 8 Lakepoint Drive #01-42 M.D S Takao 648926 2666990 2654074
33 Kanix Industries (Singapore) Pte Ltd Blk 4 Pasir Panjang Rd #08-34 Alexandra Distripark M.D K Matsumoto 118491 2732739 2732453
34 Kanomax Instruments Singapore Pte Ltd Blk 2021 Bukit Batok St 23 #01-206 M.D Patrick Choi 659526 5698471 5676959
35 Kansai Felt (Singapore) Pte Ltd 51 Ayer Rajah Crescent #03-01/17 M.D S Nakamura 139948 7762198 7793879
36 Kansai Felt Overseas Asia Pte Ltd 51 Ayer Rajah Crescent #06-12/15 - Satoshi Nakamura 139948 7762280 7793879
37 Kansai Paint (Singapore) Pte Ltd 57 Penjuru Road Jurong M.D Y Nakagawa 609141 2618621 2650301
38 Kansai Telecasting Corporation 331 North Bridge Road #10-04 Odeon Towers Bureau Chief T Kanei 188720 8831020 8831021
39 Kanto Hosiery Singapore Pte Ltd 8 Robinson Road #06-00 Cosco Building - Junpei Tamagawa 48544 - -
40 Kanto Kagaku Singapore Pte Ltd 152 Beach Rd #02-07 Gateway East G.M Tomoyuki Ono 189721 2992234 2990400
41 Kanto Kasei (S) Pte Ltd 12 Aljunied Rd #02-01 SCN Centre Technical Mgr W Kubo 389801 7450411 7450422
42 Kanto Kasei (S) Pte Ltd 12 Aljunied Rd #02-01 SCN Centre Director Yoichi Sugao 389801 7450411 7450422
43 KAO (S) Pte Ltd 247 Alexandra Road M.D Lim Lee Chong 159934 4712811 4712566
44 KAO (South East Asia) Pte Ltd 247 Alexandra Road M.D Masasumi Sunaga 159934 4712811 4730485
45 Kasei Optonix Asia Pte Ltd 15 Tuas Link 1 M.D A Ishimatsu / T Ito 638598 8620288 8631726
46 Kashima Oil (Singapore) Pte Ltd 10 Shenton Way #11-04 MAS Building M.D T Otsuki 079117 2240427 2252832
47 Kashima Oil (Singapore) Pte Ltd 10 Shenton Way #11-04 MAS Building M.D Y Nakata 079117 2240427 2252832
48 Kasho Co Ltd 1 Shenton Way #13-05/06 Robina House G.M H Sumiya 068803 2207812 2238620
49 Katecs Singapore Pte Ltd 10 Jalan Besar #15-01 Sim Lim Tower M.D A Nakamori 208787 3237057 3237064
50 Kato Spring (S) Pte Ltd 2306 Bedok Reservoir Road Director/G.M Foo Yoke Khan 479224 4488639 4481207
51 Katsura Singapore Pte Ltd 1 Ubi Crescent #06-01 Number One Building M.D Lee Sze Chiang 408563 7433312 7442032
52 Kawai Asia Pte Ltd 5641 North Bridge Road #06-02 Eng Cheong Tower Director K Yano 198782 2972701 2972879
53 Kawakami (S) Pte Ltd 29 Circular Road M.D T Kawakami 049385 5350500 5380316
54 Kawanishi Logistics (S) Pte Ltd 10 Anson Rd #22-16A International Plaza M.D Yoichi Moriya 079903 3234113 3234773
55 Kawarin Enterprise Pte Ltd 144 Gul Circle Jurong Deputy M.D / M.D M Takemoto/L S Shan 629603 8615508 8613141
56 Kawasaki Heavy Industries (Singapore) Pte Ltd 6 Battery Rd #18-04 M.D S Tanaka 049909 2255133 2249029
57 Kawasaki Steel Corporation 16 Raffles Quay #15-03 Hong Leong Building G.M S Nishimura 048581 2201174 2248357
58 Kawasho Corporation 3 Shenton Way #16-07/08 Shenton House G.M T Sado 068805 2209188 2259679
59 Kawasho Machinery Trading Pte Ltd 2 Jurong East Street 21 #04-05 - Shoji Kawamura 609601 - -
60 Kawasome International Pte Ltd 10 Anson Road #15-14 International Plaza - Michio Tanaka 079903 - -
61 Kawata Pacific Pte Ltd 81 Defu Lane 10 Hah Building M.D Nobuhiro Kawata 539217 2868817 2865519
62 Kayak Electronics Pte Ltd 50 Jalan Sutan #20-07 Jalan Sultan Centre - K Kinoshita 198974 - -
63 Kazo Trading Pte Ltd 101 Cecil St #17-02 Tong Eng Building M.D S Takeuchi 069533 2213132 2213227
64 KBT Singapore Pte Ltd 79 Robinson Rd #20-06 CPF Building - Y Fujita 068897 - -
65 KDD Telecomet Singapore Pte Ltd 133 Cecil St #14-02 Keck Seng Tower M.D T Sugai 069535 2207001 2239161
66 KDS (Singapore) Pte Ltd 12 Third Chin Bee Road Jurong M.D H Ishida 618688 2615362 2657387
67 KDS Impex Pte Ltd 12 Third Chin Bee Road Jurong - K Niiho 618688 2615362 2657387
68 KEI -21 Pte LTd 73 Tras Street #02-01 - N Suzuki 079012 - -
69 Kei Maritime 20 Gul Road - Masaki Mara 629345 8978522 8978523
70 Keigin Singapore PTE Ltd 7500A Beach Road #14-321 - Y Kubo 199591 2932076 2969455
71 Keihin Multi-Trans (S) Pte Ltd 24 Raffles Place #17-03 Clifford Centre M.D S Toyama 048621 5331757 5336124
72 Keiso Giken Automation (Singapore) Pte Ltd Blk 7 Pioneer Rd North #01-43 M.D Joseph Hui 628459 2666166 2663166
73 Keizaikai Singapore Pte Ltd 5 Shenton Way #37-01 UIC Building M.D M Aoyagi 068808 3241182 3240919
74 Kem - Tec Services Pte Ltd 3031A Ubi Road 3 #01-116 - H Karamatsu 408659 7434811 7466800
75 KEM International Singapore Pte Ltd 1 Sophia Road #04-27 Peace Centre - C Kato 228149 - -
76 Kemco Technologies (S) Pte Ltd 3031A Ubi Road 3 #01-116 - H Karamatsu 408659 7464088 -
77 Kem-Tec Services Pte Ltd Blk 3031A Ubi Rd 3 #01-116 M.D H Karamatsu 408659 7434811 7466800
78 Ken Agencies Pte Ltd Blk 4 Pasir Panjang Rd #07-13/15 Alexandra Distripark M.D K Yoneyama 118491 2787866 2724983
79 Kenda (S) Pte Ltd 67 Loyang Way M.D Tan Chalen 508757 5431183 5431182
80 Kenki Centre Pte Ltd 9 Tuas Ave 18 Director/G.M H Nakai 638893 8613939 8610820
81 Kentechs International Pte Ltd 625 Aljunied Road #02-07 Aljunied Ind. Complex Director Ryuichi Suehiro 389836 7459496 7453762
82 Kenwa Marketing (S) Pte Ltd 15 Joo Yee Rd M.D M Kaneda 619200 2617741 2687923
83 Kenwood Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd 1 Genting Lane #07-00 Kenwood Building M.D K Suzuki 349544 7413336 7413633
84 Kenwood Electronics Technologies Singapore Pte Ltd 1 Ang Mo Kio St 63 M.D T Tashiro 569110 4823222 4824966
85 Kenzo Tange Associate 333 Orchard Road #03-52 Mandarin Hotel Director K Okauchi 238867 7321729 7371992
86 Keppel Hitachi Zosen Limited 15 Benoi Rd Jurong Chairman Bernard T G Tan 629888 8616622 8614393
87 Keppel-Mitsui Engineering Pte Ltd 10 Toh Guan Road #02-09 TT International Tradepark Director/G.M T Miyamoto 608838 8628166 8628100
88 Keppel-Mitsui Engineering Pte Ltd 325 Telok Blangah Road Director/G.M T Miyamoto 098831 2730166 2728051
89 Key East Trading Pte Ltd 35 Selegie Road #04-07 Parklane Shopping Mall - Ken Kobayashi 188307 - -
90 Keyence Singapore Pte Ltd 300 Beach Rd #11-01 The Concourse Manager M Kuroda 199555 3921011 3925055
91 Keystone Logistic Services Pte Ltd 143 Cecil Street #16-03 GB Building Director M Matsukawa 069542 2229555 2255885
92 Kibun Foods S'pore Pte Ltd No. 2 Toh Tuck Link #04-00 M.D Y Takaichi 596225 4667887 4667557
93 Kibun Headquuarters Asia Pte Ltd 15 Fishery Port Road Jurong Industrial Estate Director M Hachisu 619735 2666352 2666358
94 Kiddy Land Singapore Pte Ltd 200 Victoria Street #03-02/03 PARCO Bugis Junction M.D Y Koriyama 188021 3379665 3379678
95 Kikkoman (S) Pte Ltd 7 Senoko Crescent Woodlands East Industrial Estate M.D Dr M Noguchi 758263 7588822 7583016
96 Kikkoman Trading (S) Pte Ltd 583 Orchard Rd #13-02/03 Forum M.D H Enomoto 238884 2351926 2353044
97 Kikukawa Engineering Pte Ltd 545 Orchard Rd #06-05 Far East Shopping Centre Director N K Lim 238882 7323646 7377136
98 Kimisawa Supermarket (Singapore) Pte Ltd 49 Jalan Pemimpin #04-09 APS Industrial Building M.D Hachiro Watanabe 577203 3538600 3538319
99 Kimpo (Singapore) Private Ltd 350 Orchard Road Shaw House Level 3 - Tomomi Segawa 238868 7350493 7353402
100 Kimpo-Do (S) Pte Ltd Isetan Scotts Level 3 350 Orchard Rd G.M T Segawa 238868 7350493 7353402
101 Kimura Denyoki (S) Pte Ltd Blk 6015 Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 3 #01-334 Morio Kimura 569467 4829055 -
102 Kimura Marine Supplies Co Ltd Blk 4 Pandan Loop #01-62 Director Y Mitani 128277 7777558 7773200
103 Kimuraya Pte Ltd 49/50 Duxton Rd Chairman Chew Cheng 089514 2276789 2251110
104 Kinden Corporation #05-01 UE Tech Park No8 Block Pandan Crescent Asst. G.M S Kootoku 128464 7735335 7757667
105 Kinerbac Pte Ltd 5002 Ang Mo Kio Ave 5 #03-02 Tech Place II Chairman S Kobayashi 569871 4810211 4821681
106 King Alcohol Industries Pte Ltd 16 Wan Lee Rd Chairman Y Ota 627946 2613888 2642249
107 Kinki Auto Trading Pte Ltd 317 Outram Rd #01-43 Concorde Hotel Shopping Centre M.D Morgan Low 169075 7343881 2358401
108 Kinokuniya Book Stores of Singapore Pte Ltd 205 Henderson Rd #08-02 Henderson Industrial Park M.D K Mori 159549 2765558 2765570
109 Kintetsu International Express (Singapore) Pte Ltd 391A Orchard Rd #09-01 Ngee Ann City Tower A President Y Kishida 238873 7326282 7357165
110 Kintetsu South Asia Development Ptd Ltd 10 Hoe Chiang Rd #16-02 Keppel Towers - Ryuji Hayashi 0'89315 - -
111 K-Ion Pte Ltd 8 Robinson Road #06-00 Cosco Building - Sueharu Nozawa 048544 - -
112 Kirii (Singapore) Pte Ltd 95 South Bridge Road #10-10 Pidemco - M Kirii 058717 - -
113 Kiritsu Furniture (S) Pte Ltd 520 Balestier Road #04-00 Unit 7 Leong On Building M.D Kiyoshi Harakawa 329853 2521661 2550220
114 Kishimoto Sangyo (S) Pte Ltd 101 Thomson Rd #30-02/04 United Square M.D K Kadono 307591 2553188 2553867
115 Kisho Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd Blk 5002 Ang Mo Kio Ave 5 #02-04 Tech Place II Director/G.M M Hosono 569871 4830288 4845155
116 Kiso-Jiban Consultants Co Ltd 60 Kallang Pudding Road #02-00 Tan Jin Chwee Industrial Building G.M K Orihara 349320 7473233 7482325
117 Kitagawa Electronics (Singapore) Pte Ltd 2 Jurong East St 21 #04-33D IMM Building M.D Kazuto Mori 609601 5606511 5606211
118 Kitagawa Ornaments (s) Pte Ltd 31 Exeter Road #14-01104 Comcentre Tower Block - S Kitagawa 239732 5606511 5606211
119 Kiuchi Instrumentation Pte Ltd 30 Liu Fang Rd Director Shinji Sugiuchi 628682 2614311 2657022
120 KKS Consultants & Designers Pte Ltd 50 Market Street #10-05 Golden Shoe Carpark M.D Hideo Gilbert Osuga 048940 5340800 5340600
121 KM Aspac Pte Limited 1 Temasek Avenue #27-01 Millenia Tower - Noriaki Saksmoto 039192 - -
122 KM Express (S) Pte Ltd 50 Chin Swee Rd #10-02 Thong Chai Building M.D K Kamata 169874 7329393 7387338
123 KN Marine Pte Ltd 15 West Coast Higway #02-06 Pasir Panjang Building - N Kondo 117861 - -
124 KNC Packaging (S) Pte Ltd 113 Defu Lane 10 M.D Junyo Sawamoto 539227 3820850 3821332
125 KOA Denko (S) Pte Ltd 72 Bendemeer Rd #06-02 Hiap Huat Hse M.D S Ozawa 339941 3395151 3398586
126 KOA Fire & Marine Insurance Company Ltd 138 Cecil St #07-04 Cecil Court C. Representive T Miyasaka 069538 2204946 2253120
127 Kobe International (S) Pte Ltd 60 Pandan Rd Jurong M.D Shoji Kusumoto 609294 2688200 2613719
128 Kobe LeadFrame (S) Pte Ltd 60 Pandan Rd Jurong M.D H Kawamoto / T Tabici 609294 2659298 2659863
129 Kobe Steel Asia Pte Ltd 79 Anson Road #15-02 President A Egami 079906 2216177 2243484
130 Kobe Welding (Singapore) Pte Ltd 20 Pandan Ave Jurong M.D Seiki Kanehira 609387 2682711 2641751
131 Kobelco International (S) Co Pte Ltd No 60 Pandan Rd Jurong M.D K Mori/S Tenshin 609294 2688200 2682490
132 Kobelco Machinery Asia Pte Ltd 60 Pandan Rd Jurong M.D T Goishi 609294 2620586 2613719
133 Kobe-Tonghin Pte Ltd 127 Ubi Ave 4 Tong Xing Complex M.D R Nakajima 408769 7422010 7481748
134 Kochi Representative Office Singapore 100 Beach Rd #14-08 Shaw Towers Director Y Tanda 189702 3925918 3925916
135 Kodenshi Singapore 7500A Beach Road #14-308/309 The Plaza M.D H Nakajima 199591 - -
136 Koei Tool Singapore Pte Ltd 17 Lorong Tukang Empat M.D/C.O.E S Takamura /H Yamamoto 618962 2685591 2660163
137 Kogen Singapore Pte Ltd 29 International Business Park #03-03 Acer Building M.D T H Kuang 609923 8991181 8991191
138 Kohibyo 20 McCallum Street #17-04 Asia Chambers Director Mitsuhiro Shibata 069046 - -
139 Kohoku Electronics (S) Pte Ltd 113 Defu Lane 10 M.D J Sawamoto 539227 2851922 2849334
140 Kojima Singapore (Pte) Ltd 10 Anson Road #17-08 International Plaza - Osamu Maeda 079903 2214644 2225625
141 Koken Boring Machine Co Ltd 12 Penjuru Close G.M T Eguchi 608615 7776177 7786914
142 Koki (Singapore) Pte Ltd 160 Paya Lebar Road #04-03 Orion Industrial Building M.D M Fukushima 409022 7414252 7412678
143 Kokoku Intech Co Ltd 16 Raffles Quay #36-00 Hong Leong Building G.M M Takeda 048581 3218971 3218926
144 Kokosha Singapore Pte Ltd Blk 28E Penjuru Close #01-07 M.D H Hirobe 609133 2646771 2651477
145 Kokura Kosan Singapore Pte Ltd 95 South Bridge Road #10-10 Pidemco Centre - Kazuo Murashige 058717 - -
146 Kokusai Electric Asia Pacific Co Ltd 196 Pandan Loop #05-14 Pantech Industrial Complex Operations Mgr James Lee 128384 8747188 7797702
147 Kokusai Engineering & Services Pte Ltd 30 Prinsep St #04-02 LKN Prinsep House M.D Masayoshi Oda 188647 3380388 3361797
148 Kokusai Keiso Co Ltd 2 Jurong East St 21 #05-08 IMM Building M.D Shigenor Tabata 609601 5622159 5625902
149 Kokuyo International (S) Pte Ltd 78 Shenton Way #05-04 M.D R Nakagawa 079120 2251311 2252252
150 Kolee-Yamaga Engineering Pte Ltd 2008 Bukit Batok Industrial Park A #01-162 - B Toshiyuki 659719 - -
151 Komatsu Asia & Pacific Pte Ltd 1 Gul Ave (Off Benoi Rd) Jurong Town President Y Suzuki 629648 8612033 8613070
152 Komatsu Forklift Asia Pte Ltd 3 Gul Circle President Y Shiraishi 629632 8687551 8624776
153 Komatsu Semiconductor Pte Ltd 135 Middle Rd #05-11 Bylands Building G.M M Tanaka 188975 3374196 3376965
154 Komatsuya Asia Pte Ltd 10 Collyer Quay #19-08 Ocean Buiding - Tsuguoki Hirai 049315 - -
155 Komaya Shipping Company (Pte) Ltd 460 Alexandra Road #25-04 PSA Building - Katsuya Higaki 119963 2741870 -
156 Komori Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd Blk 4 Alexandra Distripark #03-33 Pasir Panjang Road M.D T. Fukao 118491 2731135 2737732
157 Konami (Singapore) Pte Ltd 230 Orchard Rd #07-232 Faber House M.D M.Bamba 238854 8366268 8366269
158 Konami Asia ( Singapore) Pte Ltd 230 Orchard Road #07-232 Faber House - M. Bamba 238854 - -
159 Kondoh Industries Ltd 101 Thomson Rd #28-02 United Square G.M K Tomimatsu 307591 2545121 2545128
160 Koni Trading Pte Ltd Blk 9006 Tampines Ind Park A #01-206 Tampines St 93 - Lim Lai Seng 528840 7853133 7853166
161 Konica Asia H.Q 401 Commonwealth Drive #05-03 Haw Par Technocentre Director S Suzuki 149596 4728724 4726347
162 Konica Singapore Pte Ltd 401 C'wealth Dr #01-04 Haw Par Technocentre M.D S Suzuki 149598 4731377 4750733
163 Konishi (Singapore) Pte Ltd 16 Raffles Quay #33-03 Hong Leong Building - Tetsuo Konishi 048581 2273036 2276617
164 Konishiyasu Co Ltd 16 Raffles Quay #36-32 Hong Leong Building Sub-Manager A Nakagawara 048581 3221403 3218964
165 Konishiyasu Singapore Pte Ltd 16 Raffles Quay #36-00 Hong Leong Building M.D A. Nakagawara 0485581 3221403 3218964
166 Konoike Transport & Engineering (S) Pte Ltd 10 Anson Rd #26-12 Internnational Plaza M.D T Tsuchitani 079903 2200010 2245819
167 Ko-Pack International (Singapore) Pte Ltd 10B Lorong Telok - Junichi Kobayashi 049023 5385843 5384286
168 Kori Construction (S) Pte Ltd 3 Upper Pickering Street #08-25 M.D Isamu Matsumoto 051003 5382700 7499150
169 Korin Electronics (S) Pte Ltd 89 Short Street #10-01 Golden Wall Centre - Y Hiroaki 188216 - -
170 Kose Singapore Pte Ltd 315 Outram Rd #13-01/02 Tan Boon Liat Building M.D T Nio 169074 2260068 2272616
171 Koshida Trading (S) Pte Ltd 1 Kim Seng Promenade #13-08 Great World City West Tower M.D Y Hasebe 237994 7337833 7384666
172 Kosmix International Pte Ltd 9 Penang Road # 13-21 Park Mall - H Otsuka 238459 - -
173 Koso Controls Asia Pte Ltd 10 Kaki Bukit Rd 1 #01-21 M.D Maurice Loh 416175 7472722 7467677
174 Kotobuki Electronics Industries (S) Pte Ltd 103 Boon Keng Road #03-01 to #03-25 M.D H Sakioka 339774 2966822 2965643
175 Kotobuki Pte Ltd 400 Orchard Road #02-31 Orchard Towers - Haruichi Sakamoto 238875 7354802 7354804
176 Kotobuki Restaurant 3 Yuan Ching Rd #01-02A M.D Haruo Mase 618642 2612272 2645062
177 Kowa Co Ltd 10 Anson Rd #19-15 International Plaza Director K Koizumi 079903 2201755 2256249
178 Kowa Engineering (Singapore) Pte ltd 30 Prinsep Street #08-02 LKN Princep House - Yasuhiro Sakata 188647 - -
179 Kowa Real Estate (Singapore) Pte Ltd 16 Collyer Quay #37-00 Hitachi Towers Director/G.M Koji Monden 049318 5385011 5385022
180 Kowa Trading Company (S) Pte Ltd 10 Anson Rd #19-15 International Plaza G.M M Kashiwagi 079903 2201755 2256249
181 Koyama Engineering (Singapore) Pte Ltd 3 Shenton Way #22-06 Shenton Way - H Koyama 068805 - -
182 Koyo Aquatics Centre Pte Ltd No 6 Pasir Ris Farmway 1 Agrotechnology Park - T .Miyamoto 519351 5845914 5822314
183 Koyo Kaiun Asia Pte Ltd 10 Hoe Chiang Rd #14-03 Keppel Towers Director H Tanaka 089315 2205007 2206005
184 Koyo Manufactring Pte Ltd 12 Benoi Rd Jurong - H Naka 629937 8634341 8634342
185 Koyo Singapore Bearing Pte Ltd 38 Tuas West Road M.D Y Hirano 638385 2742200 8621623
186 KPMG Peat Marwick 16 Raffles Quay #22-00 Hong Leong Building Director T Tamiya 048581 3210668 3242903
187 KS International Pte Ltd 1 Shenton Way #13-05/06 Robina House President D. Ido 068803 2207812 2238620
188 KS Semicondor Singapore Pte Ltd 10 Collyer Quay #19-08 Ocean Buiding - Norio Sato 049315 - -
189 KSS Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd 15 McCallum Street #07-01 Natwest Centre M.D/President T Watanabe 069045 3388577 3388573
190 KTM Singapore Pte Ltd 108 Middle Road #05-01 Bright Chambers - Shuichi Masuno 188967 - -
191 Kubota Supplies & Engineering (Asia) Pte Ltd 79 Robinson Rd #20-06 CPF Bldg M.D N Ishii 068897 2241919 2245213
192 Kubota Supplies & Engineering (Asia) Pte Ltd 79 Robinson Road #20-06 CPF Building M.D Naoki Ishii 068897 2241919 2245213
193 Kugami (Singapore) Pte Ltd 32 Wallich Street #02-58 - H Matsunaga 078880 - -
194 Kumagai Gumi Co Ltd 10 Anson Rd #17-13 International Plaza G.M N Yamauchi 079903 2259698 2254542
195 Kumagaya Precision Motor (Singapore) Pte Ltd 160 Kallang Way M.D K Izawa 349246 7409590 7409508
196 Kumahira Manufacturing Pte Ltd 12 Benoi Rd Jurong M.D/Director C Masuda/E Moriya 629886 8612726 8615640
197 Kumiai Navigation Pte Ltd 1 Raffles Place #18-02 OUB Centre M.D Y Takehashi 048616 5327001 5327006
198 Kumon Asia Pte Ltd 79 Anson Rd #07-04/05 M.D K Yoshida 079906 2258813 2251722
199 Kunii Electronica (S) Pte Ltd 112 East Coast Road #04-06 Katong Mall - T Kunii 428802 - -
200 Kunimoto Seiko (S) Pte Ltd Blk 4012 Ang Mo Kio Ave 10 #03-08 Tech Place I Director I Katsumata 569628 4554249 4546341
201 Kurary Singapore Pte Ltd 331 North Bridge Rd #18-02 Odeon Towers M.D/Director Y Kawarasaki 188720 3374123 3371912
202 Kure Engineering Pte Ltd 2 Jurong East St 21 #02-12 IMM Bldg M.D S Otani 609601 5600108 5658244
203 Kure Marine Products 215 Henderson Road #02-07 Henderson Industrial Park M.D H. Kozukuri 159554 2707010 2702723
204 Kureha Chemicals (S) Pte Ltd 401 Commonwealth Drive #05-03 Haw Par Technocentre M.D Y Hiramatsu 149598 4736488 4799965
205 Kureoka Teppanyaki Restaurant 9 Raffles Boulevard #01-79/80 Millenia Walk M.D K Matamura 039596 3366660 3335783
206 Kurihara Kogyo Co Ltd Alexandra Distripark Blk2 #11-30/34 Pasir Panjang Rd G.M T Shiojima 118481 2719863 2784475
207 Kurihara Singapore Pte Ltd Blk 2 Pasir Panjang Road, #11-30 Alexandra Distripark - Toshio Shiojima 118481 2719863 2784475
208 Kurina Japanese Restaurant Pte Ltd 101 Victoria Street #01-06 Allson Hotel M.D Yoshiko Yonezawa 188018 3394353 3395051
209 Kurita (S) Pte Ltd 30 Joo Koon Rd M.D M Nojii 628984 8612622 8614768
210 Kuroda Machine Tool Asia Pte Ltd 8 Cross Street #11-00 PWC Building - K Kamiya 048424 - -
211 Kurofuchi Packaging Singapore Pte Ltd 7 Chia Ping Rd M.D Y Kurofuchi 619972 2641825 2641804
212 Kuron Singapore Pte Ltd 4 Pasir Panjang Road #04-29 - Y Goto - - -
213 Kusatsu Electric Singapore Pte Ltd 5 & 7 Tuas Ave 8 M.D K Mitsui 639220 8619081 8611417
214 Kushibe Metal Nets Pte Ltd 16 Wan Shih Rd Jurong Town M.D T Kushibe 627912 2641605 2659570
215 Kwe-Kintetsu World Express (S) Pte Ltd 20 Changi South Ave 2 P.O. Box 511 Airmail Transit Centre M.D R Hayashi 918101 5427777 5456008
216 Kyaw Trade (S) Pte Ltd 105 Sims Avenue #07-01/02 Chancerlodge Complex - S Kobatake 387429 - -
217 KYC Machine Industry (S) Pte Ltd 16 Pioneer Sector 1 Jurong M.D/ Joint M.D Lim Ewee Ghee /T Miyamoto 628427 8611233 8612644
218 Kyocera Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 298 Tiong Bahru Rd #13-03/05 Tiong Bahru Plaza M.D K Kigoshi 168730 2710500 2710600
219 Kyocera Elco Singapore Pte Ltd 164 Kallang Way #04-01/15 Kolam Ayer Industries Park Operations Mgr Yong Chin Yeow 349248 7448398 7441783
220 Kyocera Mita Singapore Pte Ltd 121 Genting Lane 3rd level M.D S Morodomi 349572 7418733 7483788
221 Kyodo Chemical (S) Pte Ltd 2 Kallang Pudding Road #04-13 Mactech Ind Building - Y Ichikawa 349307 - -
222 Kyodo Light Metal S"pore Pte Ltd 10 Collyer Quay #19-08 Ocean Buiding - Yoshinori Saito 049315 - -
223 Kyodo News, Singapore Bureau 138 Cecil St #07-03 Cecil Court S'pore Bureau Chief Hideo Miyawaki 069538 2233371 2249208
224 Kyodo Printing Co (S'pore) Pte Ltd 112 Neythal Rd Jurong Town M.D Y Ishii 628599 2652955 2644939
225 Kyodo Yushi Asia Pte Ltd 2 Gul Crescent M.D/D. Plant Mgr Denis E Klass / A Koide 629518 8617737 8615611
226 Kyodo-Allied Industries Pte Ltd 17 Kian Teck Rd Jurong Industrial Estate - T Anzawa 628771 2651311 2661751
227 Kyoei Denki Singapore Pte Ltd 39 Loyang Drive M.D Kazuo Sato 508951 5452838 5429969
228 Kyoh-Ei Management Services Pte Ltd 338 River Valley Road, #06-02 GM Mihoko Eto Hobberstad 238367 67362426 67330196
229 Kyoei Electronics (S) Pte Ltd 1 Kim Seng Promenade #14-02/03 Great World City East Tower M.D E Nakata 237994 4721566 4725887
230 Kyoei Engineering Singapore Pte Ltd Blk 19 Kallang Ave #01-151/155 & #04-151/157 M.D Akira Usami 339410 2972720 2962980
231 Kyoei-Opal (Singapore) Pte Ltd Blk 1013 Geylang East Avenue 3 #03-106 - Yat Lee 389728 7438004 -
232 Kyogi Precision (S) Pte Ltd 4008 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 10 #01-11/15 Techplace 1 M.D Kiyoshi Orui 569625 4526372 4592938
233 Kyokuto Metal Singapore Pte Ltd 9A Jurong Pier Road - Yukinori Honjo 619162 - -
234 Kyoritsu Singapore Pte Ltd 2 Maritime Square #05-09/10 SPI Building G.M Isamu Asano 099255 2760211 2762771
235 Kyosemi Singapore Pte Ltd 75 Bukit Timah Rd #03-08/09 Boon Siew Building M.D K Iizuka 229833 3399342 3399025
236 Kyoshin Singapore Pte Ltd 10 Anson Rd #29-04 International Plaza M.D M Maeda 079903 2209891 2201127
237 Kyoto International Trading Pte Ltd Blk 1002 Lorong 8 #05-1431 Toa Payoh Industries Park M.D Tony A C Pang 319074 2502333 2510248
238 Kyouiku Gear Mfg Co Ltd Blk 808 French Rd #06-167 Kitchener Complex C. Representive K Fujiwara 200808 2996494 2995405
239 Kyowa (Singapore) Pte Ltd 2 Pioneer Lane Jurong G.M Saburo Yoshida 628522 2688022 2652316
240 Kyowa Hakko Industry (S) Pte Ltd 300 Orchard Rd #06-02 The Promenade M.D H Karei 238861 7334948 7330819
241 Kyowa Petrochemistry (S) Pte Ltd 13 Pioneer Rd North #01-73 M.D T Kusakari 628463 2657810 2644636
242 Kyowa Security Guard & General Services Pte Ltd 1 Tannery Rd #04-02/03 Cencon 1 M.D Yeo Kim Chua 347719 7413368 7417828
243 Kyowa Singapore Pte Ltd 2 Pioneer Lane Jurong Town M.D T Yoshida 628522 2688022 2652316
244 Kyowa Technologies Singapore Pte Ltd 360 Orchard Road #12-08 International Building - H Saito 238869 2357588 -
245 Kyun Pte Ltd 290 Orchard Road #04-29 Paragon By Sogo - Kazuhiko Tamaki 238859 7345871 -

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