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Accounting & Distribution System Pay Roll System Time Manegement System email Manager System

Pay Roll Package Software

The Planet Payroll System Application serves to manage and handle employee salaries and his / her own company status.

The application stores the employee history pertaining specifically to its Basic Salary Changes, Employment Information, Educational Background and Some other basic information such as Name, Address, Tel, Status, Country, NRIC, Bank Account Number etc.

One good feature about the application is it can hook up to the Planet TMS (Time Management System) Application where it serves as the Timing-IN and OUT of employees for there Daily Time Records.

The Application auto computes for items such as the CPF contribution, SDF contribution, CPF Adjustment entry (serves as a CPF Adjustment Task Scheduler), auto computes for hourly overtime based from the hours keyed-in, PHD, Attendance, Medical and Non Pay Leave.

The application also has the leave / claims ledger where to know whether a particular employee is still capable of applying for leave or claim and also you can set an expiration date for the particular leave.

The application can also accommodate multiple Items for earning or deduction for a particular payroll period giving the user the ease of adding many entries as they wish and can be hook up to Planet Accounts (Accounting System) Application. The application is capable of exporting to different formats such as the MS Word, MS Excel, HTML, PDF, Send Report thru Email.

The application employs a multiple screen format for ease of use, as several files or screens can be opened at one time. All master, entry screens and query screens are resizable to suite the users monitor size and resolution.

Furthermore this application is design to be installed in a local area network (LAN) environment for a multi-user environment as well as a standalone application for single user environment.

Basic Information

1. Local Currency - reserved field for the local currency of the company
2. Country Code - reserved field for the local country code of the company
3. GST% - default percentage used in computing such taxes of the company
4. GST Reg No - company GST Reg No
5. ROC No - reserved field for ROC No of the company
6. CPF No - reserved field for CPF No of the company
7. IR8A No - reserved field for the IR8A No of the company
8. Inc Tax No - reserved field for the income tax no of the company
9. Employer Reference No - reserved field for the employer reference no
10. Shop Days Cut OFF - this days are used in the shop transaction entry, whereby if value is equal to zero (0) by default, 15th day is the cut off
11. Hourly Rate Round Off - used in the rounding off of getting the hourly rate based from basic pay x 12 / (52 * Hours per week)
12. No Work Days - used in getting the Monthly Working Days computation and also used in the generating the payroll for the period whereby employees that joined in the middle of the month and prorating it by its working days
13. Month Current Period - used upon the creation of a payroll period, so by every payroll period this is being changed as month and year changes
14. Year Current Period - same as with Month Current Period
15. Month Year End - reserved field for the company�fs month end payroll cycle
16. Year End - reserved field for the company�fs year end payroll cycle
17. EE CD Running No. - reserved field for the company�fs EE CD Running No.
18. SDF% - used when an SDF applies for a particular employee if so, this is computed based from the Gross pay computation
19. SDF Limit Low - is the low value of SDF where if gross belongs in between the Low and High SDF then it will be multiplied to the SDF%
20. SDF Limit High - is the high value of SDF where if gross belongs in between the Low and High SDF then it will be multiplied to the SDF%
21. CPF Lower Limit - reserved field for the company�fs CPF lower limit
22. CPF Upper Limit - used in checking if the Gross Pay is greater than this limit then it will used this value set as for the searching of its valid CPF Rates table
23. Company Bank - company�fs bank
24. Show Hourly Rate in Payslip Remarks - by default if this value is selected / ticked the remarks that is being used in each of every item in the payroll entry will be used for in generating the employees pay slip
25. Auto Compute for New Join Employees - used when if this value is selected / ticked it will check for an employee�fs join date versus the current month payroll period if so, then it will automatically prorate the basic pay of the employee
26. SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer protocol, a protocol used to send email thru the internet this could be and most importantly this is used in the Hosting settings in uploading for a particular file into the FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
27. Outgoing Mail - it can be just like this one mail.YourOutGoingMail.com.sg
28. FTP Username - it can be just like this one YourDomain.com.sg
29. FTP Password - the password used for FTP
30. FTP Uploads - the folder used in the ftp folder for uploads, it can be just like this one YourDomain.com.sg\FtpFolder\server and this is used where the server is going to PUT the file
31. FTP Downloads - the folder used in the ftp folder for downloads, it can be just like this one YourDomain.com.sg\FtpFolder\client and this is used where the client is going to GET the file

Report Parts

Overtime checklist
Medical / Non Pay Leave Checklist
Hourly Rate Checklist
Process Payroll Detail By Branch / Project
Process Payroll Detail By Currency / Pay Mode
Variable Transaction Entry Listing
Recurring Items Proof Listing
Payslip ALL
Payslip w/ Filter Employee ID
Export to Excel - Process Payroll Detail By Branch
Export to Excel - Process Payroll Detail By Currency / Pay Mode
Export CPF Details to TXT File
Export to Bank-DBS and POSB
Salary JV
Employee Monthly Salary Item Breakdown

System Requirements

tand-alone System Requirements

Processor : Pentium Class processor, Pentium 4 or better is recommended
Operating System : Windows 98, Windows 2000 or later is recommended
Memory : 128 MB of RAM minimum; 256 MB or higher recommended
Hard disk space : 10 GB hard-disk space minimum, 20 GB or higher is recommended
Network System Requirements

System Requirements (Server Machine) :
Processor : Pentium Class processor, Pentium 4 or better is recommended
Operating System : Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2003 Server or later is recommended
Memory 256 MB or higher recommended
Hard disk space : 40 GB or higher is recommended

System Requirements (Client/User Machine) :
Processor : Pentium Class processor, Pentium 4 or better is recommended
Operating System : Windows 98, Windows 2000 or later is recommended
Memory : 128 MB of RAM minimum; 256 MB or higher recommended
Hard disk space : 10 GB hard-disk space minimum, 20 GB or higher is recommended

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